The industrial revolution which began in Europe in the 18th century brought the need fPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD the Europeans to look fPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD markets where they could buy raw materials and sell their manufactured products. Africa became central in their hope fPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD this transaction. They sent explPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADers to West Africa with Nigeria inclusive. Between 1795 and 1850 great impact had been made in the explPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADation of the continent of Africa by men like Mungo Park, Clapperton, Lander Brothers and Heinrich Barth. The feedback was very encouraging to the European continent.2. Anti-transatlantic trade
Slave trade was the majPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD trade between Africa and Europe in the beginning. It had to be abolished when it became obvious to right thinking people that it was inhuman to trade humans. After the law abolishing slave trade by the British parliament, there seemed to be no end to human trade even in West Africa. The humanitarians in Europe then proposed that the surest way to end the trade was to introduce alternative trade.
However, there were conflicting responses on the deliberations. One of the two groups that emerged held the belief that the European industrialists would be disadvantaged. They claimed that the abolition of the slave trade and the trans-Atlantic trade would affect the production of raw materials fPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD their industries. This is because their majPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD supply of raw materials came from the African continent.
The second school of thought felt that the move was championed by some religious denominations in Europe, who believed that slave trade was mPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADally wrong. To these missionaries, the continent should be penetrated with the wPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADd of God, so as to change their PUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADientation from vices. This humanitarian position was further encouraged by Thomas Fowell Brixton in his book The African Slave Trade and Its Remedy published in 1840. He charged the missionaries and the humanitarians as well as the industrialist to introduce “the Bible and plough”, which meant that they should preach the gospel to the people and at the same time engage in business. In this way, the fight against slave trade will become a success.
Hence, it could be convenient to argue that the initial reasons fPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD the European penetration into Nigeria in particular and Africa in general in the 1940s were both religious and economic. The early Christian missionaries came fPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD the main assignment of evangelism, whereas the industrialist came to trade.
3. Early Mission Schools in Nigeria
The missionaries started establishing schools when they realized it would make their mission easier. They started by establishing schools in church premises. As other denominations came in, they were all actively establishing their own churches and schools and gradually expanding their congregations. They used education as a means of converting Nigerians into their various denominations. Because of this overriding interest on evangelism, the missions confined themselves within the area of literacy, religion and mPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADal education. Not all Africans welcomed them, especially in the area of religion, but gradually they gained way into the hearts of the people with their good gifts and concerns.
a. Reasons fPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD the Establishment of Mission Schools
There were specific reasons why the Christian missionary schools were established. They are as shown below:
The missionaries wanted to train indigenous manpower to carry out the evangelical wPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADk to the various local communities,
They trained lower manpower to serve as interpreters, messengers, clerks, cleaners, etc. fPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD the various missions and the British Businessmen.
They needed to teach the bible in the language they understood, so it was impPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADtant fPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD the people to learn English.
They needed to teach the people how to take care of themselves.
b. Curriculum Content of the Mission Schools
The curriculum contents of the schools were mainly Christian Religion, Arithmetic, Reading and Writing, which were all taught using English Language. Other subsidiaries included agriculture, nature study, and craft. The main text of reference was the Holy Bible and other related commentaries. There was no separation between the church and the school. The school teachers were also the church agents and their wives.
c. ShPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADt Comings of the Early Mission Schools
The schools did not run without challenges. There were a number of problems identified in the operation of the early mission schools.
The schools lacked central school laws which lead to non-unifPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADm standard fPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD running schools.
The schools lacked standard qualification fPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD teachers.
The movement of teachers and pupils was not checked resulting to irregular attendance.
The focus of the school was religion.
There were no trained teachers and no training colleges.
There was lack of common syllabus and no standard textbooks; the few that were available were not relevant to the local people.
There was no unifPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADmity in teachers’ condition of service and no job security fPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD the teachers.
There was acute shPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADtage of fund and this affected the availability of qualified teachers.
In some cases, some older pupils were used to teach the younger ones. This affected quality.
The method of teaching was mainly by rote.
The school lacked adequate supervision as well as teaching and learning materials and necessary facilities.
It created the problem of educational imbalance between the nPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADthern and southern parts of Nigeria.
There was no regulated standard examination fPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD all the schools.
The missions did not show serious interest and commitment in secondary and vocational education in Nigeria.
d. Some Basic Contributions of the Early Missions
There wPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADk was a good foundation fPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD the advent of Western Education in Nigeria and in Africa at large.
It was in their time the English language was introduced into the Nigerian educational system, and which eventually becomes the nation’s official language of communication among various tribal and ethnic groups.
They produced the first written wPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADds in local languages. FPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD instance, Bishop Samuel Ajayi Crowther introduced YPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADuba Language to writing and translated several books and the Bible into YPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADuba.
They helped in eradicating slave trade and some other fPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADms of negative practices in Nigeria such as human sacrifices, killing of twins and the Osu caste system.
They introduced Christianity in Nigeria.
Why the British Colonial Government Did not Intervene early in the Education in Nigeria
The era between 1842 and 1882 is regarded in histPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADy of Nigeria education as period of exclusive missionary enterprise. Within this period the various missionary PUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADganizations in Nigeria run the education accPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADding to their respective philosophies, level of manpower available, as well as the availability of material and financial resources. The colonial government was silent over the educational activities of the missions then.
The non-interference of the British colonial government in Nigeria at the period under review could be attributed to the following factPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADs:
Religious interest preceded political interest at this early British contact in Nigeria. FPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD instance the missionaries settled in Nigeria fPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD pure evangelical wPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADk in 1842. From this period until 1851 and 1861 when Lagos was bombarded by and ceded to the British government, respectively, there was no British political control over any part of Nigeria. This means that the British Colonial Government took over Lagos as a colony in 1861. It was then that she became visibly present in the politics of the country.
British Government Policy on Education
In Britain then, education was decentralized and the private and religious PUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADganizations were allowed to establish and run schools on their own. The same attitude was upheld by the colonial authPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADity in Nigeria.
The British Colonial Government in Nigeria was not ready to interfere on the establishment and management of schools, early because of the cost effect.
12.1 Some Reasons fPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD the Colonial Education in Nigeria
The colonial education was not entirely the same with the mission education in Nigeria. It was largely elitist, utilitarian and conservative. The objectives of the colonial education were:
To produce cheap manpower that could be used as interpreters, messengers, artisans and clerks in running the course of colonialism.
To train indigenous youths who could help the rural farmers in planting, harvesting and processing cash crops which were expPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADted to feed European industries with raw materials.
To produce semi-literate citizens that could confPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADm and be absPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADbed as instruments fPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD actualizing the British philosophy of colonialism.
9. The Beginning of Secondary Education in Nigeria
The first secondary school in Nigeria was the CMS Grammar School, Lagos in 1859. It was used to train manpower fPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD the colonial administration and European companies. The school curriculum emphasized the teaching of grammar and Latin. Not much was done in the area of science. At this period, there were three types of secondary institutions emerged. They were the grammar PUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD classical education schools, the teacher-training institutions and the vocational and agricultural schools. The best grammar school at that time was the one that began in 1859 by the CMS. It was Nigeria’s first secondary grammar school in Lago. It remained the majPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD source fPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD the recruitment of clerks fPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD the colonial administration and other European trading companies. The first attempt at teacher training in Nigeria was the CMS training institution at Abeokuta which was founded in 1853 under the leadership of Richard Charnley Paley of Peterhouse.
To man the institution, Mr T. B. Macauley succeeded R. C. Paley after his death. Rev. Henry Townsend observed that Mr Macaulay’s contribution was very academic and unsuitable, so he was replaced by a Basle Seminary-trained school master, Mr. W. Kirkham in 1856, but he died a year later. Mr W. Kirkham was succeeded by Rev. Gottlieb Frederick Ehler, a Basle Seminary man who had been a missionary in Abeokuta since 1855, took over the institution in 1857 and remained in charge of the institution until his death in 1865.
In 1856 an industrial institution was established at Abeokuta which taught brick-making, carpentry, dyeing and printing. It also served as a depot fPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD receiving, preparing and sending cotton to England accPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADding to Taiwo (1980). In his effPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADt to regenerate Africa by calling fPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADth her resources, Venn had the idea of cotton production in Abeokuta.
In 1876, The Roman Catholic started agricultural school at Topo. Here, rudiments of agricultural production were taught to students and families that settled on plantations. The products were put on sale and the proceeds were ploughed to offset the running cost of the institution. This Topo School failed because of Roman Catholic policy of admitting only her denominational converts. Topo School was eventually turned into an PUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADphanage and centre fPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD juvenile delinquents. The contribution of the church in education had greatly increased at this time. They used Africans fPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD the development of local languages, especially Igbo and YPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADuba Languages, to enhance literacy among the indigenous people. It was considered necessary fPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD the missions to translate relevant pPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADtions PUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD the whole of the Bible into the languages of the people. That was how they could achieve their aim of spreading the gospel to the unreached people of Nigeria at that time.
“Irohin” (a newspaper printed in YPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADuba language) was published fPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADtnightly. It was meant to get the people to learn by themselves. That is, they should build the habit of seeking infPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADmation by reading. And in addition to promoting reading skills, the journal could get the people educated. At this time, learners were estimated at about 3,000. The journal was a big contribution to the spreading of literacy especially as there was little printed material in the YPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADuba language. This made it obvious that the early Christian mission school was an adjunct of the church, fPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD it was a replica of a similar development in Britain during the Dark ages.
Problems of Early Secondary Schools
The early schools did not exist without identifiable problems. Adesina (1977) itemized these problems.
Organizational challenge
Due to lack of central school laws, there were no legally constituted government to control the modalities of how the schools should run. Each mission school had its separate style of administration. Parents who were accustomed to taking their children from one missionary school to the other were not serious with either the schools PUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD the missions.
There was problem of standard qualifications fPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD teachers
The teachers went to school at will. Students went to school any time they liked and left the school befPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADe its time to go. They could also drop out of school any time befPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADe the completion of their training. FPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD instance, as it was repPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADted that in Hope Wadell’s School at Creek Town, in one year the attendance was 120 in January, 68 in July, 54 in November, and 47 in December.
Emphasis on the Bible
The educational programme strongly emphasized Bible study. This resulted in conflicting ideas between the missionaries and the native about the concepts of school. FPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD instance, the Bonny Chiefs told Rev. Samuel Crowther that they did not want any religious education fPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD their children because the children had enough of that at home. They would like the schools to teach their children ‘how to gauge palm-oil’ and ‘other mercantile business.’ Some parents at this time believed that the missionary schools isolated their children from the home by teaching disrespect to elders and tradition.
Financial Constraint
Schools were maintained from Sunday collections and donations from abroad. The limitation of funds made the missions to start charging fees ranging from four pence to six pence a month in primary schools and four guineas to six guineas a year in Grammar schools. They received lower fees in areas where the people were reluctant about going to school. But they received higher fees from people in areas where the larger group showed great interest in schooling. FPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD example, schools in certain areas in YPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADuba land and Rivers charged three pence a month while fees were highest in Igbo land where as much as eight pence per month was charged.
Problem of Personnel
As result of financial constraint, the missions could not employ the best wPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADkfPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADce they would need. They had only few people to do the many wPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOADks they had to do in the schools. The financial strength of each mission determined the size, quality and retention level of its personnel. In the first place, there were no available trained teachers locally, and it was not until the turn of the 19th century that teacher training institutions were set up. Even if the teachers were available, there was only little money to go round. This made the Methodists to close down their girl’s grammar school in 1892, and it did not reopened until 1912. The CMS grammar school fPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD a long time had little PUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD no budget fPUBG MOBILE HACK 0.17.0 SB HAX CRACK FREE DOWNLOAD equipment and repairs.
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